Audio Sermon’s

What it takes to walk with God.
Genesis 5:24 06/02/2024

A Study of Acts 14. Introduction Part 1
Acts 14:1 – 7 05/22/2024

The overwhelming mystery of the cross! Part 1
1 Corinthians 1:18 04/07/2024

The Remnant of God. Part 1
Ezra 9:1 – 9 04/03/2024

The Remnant of God. Part 2
Ezra 9:1 – 9 04/10/2024

The All-sufficiency of Christ.
Isaiah 53:10-12 03/31/2024

The Universal Call To Salvation
John 3:19 – 19 03/24/2024

The Christian and The World. Part 1
John 15:18 – 19 03/06/2024

The Christian and The World. Part 2
John 15:18 – 19 03/13/2024

The Christian and The World. Part 3
John 15:18 – 19 03/20/2024

The Christian and The World. Part 4
John 15:18 – 19 03/27/2024

The Necessity of Jesus Christ was His death. Part 1
John 3:16 12/10/2023

The Necessity of Jesus Christ was His death. Part 2
John 3:16 12/17/2023

The Necessity of Jesus Christ was His death. Part 3
John 3:16 12/24/2023

They are spiritually discerned
1 Cor. 2:14 09/27/2023

A Pastors Responsibility to God.
1 Timothy 5:17 – 18 10/11/2023

This series is titled “The Necessity of Jesus Christ”.

The Fall and the Serpent – The promise of our Saviour’s Victory
Gen. 3:15 08/13/2023

The Promised Seed of the Woman
Gen. 3:15 & Isa. 7:10 – 16 08/20/2023

The Humanity of the seed of the woman. 
Isaiah 7:14 – 15 08/27/2023

Jesus Christ was necessary because He is God’s Son. 
John 1:1 – 3 09/03/2023

Jesus Christ was necessary because of His Manifestation of Godliness 
1 Timothy 3:16 09/17/2023

Jesus Christ was necessary because of His birth of “The Seed of The Woman” 
Matthew 1:18 09/24/2023

Jesus’s Human Body.  Part 1

Jesus’s Human Body.  Part 2

God said, I will not remember thy sins.
Isaiah 43:25 07/20/2023

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (1)
Sermon 1 Introduction. 06/28/2023
1 Cor. 2:6 – 16

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (2)
Sermon 2 07/05/2023
1 Cor. 2:6 – 16

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (3)
Sermon 3 07/12/2023
1 Cor. 2:6 – 16

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (4)
Sermon 4 07/19/2023
1 Cor. 2:6 – 16

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (5)
Sermon 5 07/26/2023
1 Cor. 2:6 – 8

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (7)
Sermon 7 08/09/2023
1 Cor. 2:9

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (8)
Sermon 8 08/16/2023
1 Cor. 2:10

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (9)
Sermon 9 08/23/2023

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (10)
Sermon 10 09/13/2023

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (11)
Sermon 11 09/20/2023

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (12)
Sermon 12 09/27/2023

“A Christians Maturity is a Gift From God.” (13)
Sermon 13 10/04/2023

“Do not waste the gifts of God.” (1)
Sermon 1 Introduction. 06/25/2023
Hebrews 10:30 – 39

“Do not waste the gifts of God.” (2)
Sermon 2 07/02/2023
Hebrews 10:30 – 39

Do not waste the gifts of God.” (3)
Sermon 3 07/09/2023
Hebrews 10:30 – 39

Do not waste the gifts of God.” (4)
Sermon 4 07/16/2023
Hebrews 10:30 – 39

Do not waste the gifts of God.” (5)
Sermon 5 07/23/2023
Hebrews 10:30 – 39

“Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.” V. 14  Part 1
The blessing of peace with God. 05/17/2023
Romans 13:9 – 14

“Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.” V. 14  Part 2
The blessing of peace with God. 05/31/2023
Romans 13:9 – 14

“Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.” V. 14  Part 3
The blessing of peace with God. 06/07/2023
Romans 13:9 – 14

“Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.” V. 14  Part 4
The blessing of peace with God. 06/14/2023
Romans 13:9 – 14

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 1
The blessing of peace with God. 4/30/2023
Romans 5:1 – 5

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 2
The blessing of Access to God. 5/07/2023
Romans 5:1 – 5

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 3
The blessing of rejoicing in hope. 5/14/2023
Romans 5:2

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 4
The blessing of our glory in tribulations. 5/21/2023
Romans 5:3

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 5
The blessing of Patience. 6/04/2023
Romans 5:3

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 6
The blessing of Experience. 6/11/2023
Romans 5:4

Eight Blessings of Salvation. Sermon 7
The blessing of Faith and Hope. 6/18/2023
Romans 5:4 – 5

The Fear of God. 05/03/2023
Proverbs 1:5 – 7

The Election of God.
1 Thessalonians 1:2 – 6

“…when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
Luke 18:8

You are bought with a price.
1 Corinthians 6:19 – 20

Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest
Matt: 11:25 – 30

Beware of our time. Sermon 1
Matt. 24:3 – 14

Beware of our time. Sermon 2
Matt. 24:3 – 14

Believest thou this?
John 1:1 – 5

How are Christians to Judge Others.
Matthew 7:1 – 2, 6

Feed My Sheep.
John 21:15 – 17

This Amazing Book Called, The Bible. Sermon 1
1 Cor. 12:7

This Amazing Book Called, The Bible. Sermon 2
2 Cor. 11:13 – 15

This Amazing Book Called, The Bible. Sermon 3
John 16:13

The Son That Pleased God Part 1
Hebrews 10:1 – 14

The Son That Pleased God Part 2
Eph. 4:12 – 13
The perfecting of the saints, in Jesus Christ.”

The Son That Pleased God Part 3
1 Timothy 2:5
Jesus Christ, the only Man to perfectly please God.”

The Son That Pleased God Part 4
John 1:1 – 3, 10 – 11
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.”

The Son That Pleased God Part 5
Rom. 3:23 – 26
Jesus Christ our redemption.”

No One Else Sermon 01
Deuteronomy 4:34 – 35, 39

No One Else Sermon 2
Deuteronomy 4:34 – 35, 39

No One Else Sermon 3
Deuteronomy 4:34 – 35, 39

No One Else Sermon 4
Deuteronomy 4:34 – 35, 39

No One Else Sermon 5
Deuteronomy 4:34 – 35, 39

No One Else Sermon 6
Deuteronomy 4:34 – 35, 39

The Lord’s Churches Part 1
Matt. 16:18

The Lord’s Churches Part 2
Matt. 16:18

The Lord’s Churches Part 3
Matt. 16:18

Grace Verses Works
This will be a very long series. Started February 01, 2022

“Fall of Man ” Part 1 Ecclesiastes 7:29
Pastor Randy Johnson 02/27/2022
“Redemption is thru the blood of Jesus Christ” Hebrews 9:11 – 15
Pastor Randy Johnson 02/20/2022
“The Temptation of Jesus Christ, The Son of man.” Text Matthew 4:1 – 11
Pastor Randy Johnson 11/29/2020
“Be Not Deceived!” Text 1 Corinthians 15:33 – 34
Pastor Randy Johnson 11/22/2020
There is a call’s to salvation.” Text Revelation 22:17
Pastor Randy Johnson 11/15/2020
“True Faith” – The Sermon Text Hebrews 11:1 – 3
Pastor Randy Johnson 11/01/2020
“True and Genuine Faith.” – Introduction Text Hebrews 11:1 – 3
Pastor Randy John son 10- 25 – 2020
“Faith Without Works Is Dead” Text James 2:14 – 18
Pastor Randy Johnson 10/18/2020
“Justification” Text Job 9:20 & James 3:2
By Pastor Randy Johnson
Virtues of A Strong Christian. Text: 1 Corinthians 16:13 – 14
Pastor Randy Johnson 09/13/2020
“Divine Promises” Text Psalms 77:7 – 9
Pastor Randy Johnson 08/16/2020
“The Depravity of  People” Text John 3:1 – 12
Pastor Randy Johnson
“Looking For Jesus” Text Titus 2:13 – 15
Pastor Randy Johnson 7-19-20
“The Truth About the Gospel.” Text Romans 1:16 – 17
Pastor Randy Johnson 7/12/2020
“The Wonderful Grace Of God.” Text Jude 1:6 – 7
Pastor Randy Johnson 7 – 05 – 2020
“True Christian Love.” Sermon 1 Text Romans 12:10 
Pastor Randy Johnson 5 – 17 – 20
“True Christian Love.” Sermon 2 Text Romans 12:10 
Pastor Randy Johnson 5 – 24 – 20
“A Glorious Power Brought Change for The Believer.” Text Colossians 1:10 – 14
Pastor Randy Johnson 5 – 3 – 20
“True Christian Love.” Sermon 3 Text Romans 12:10 
Pastor Randy Johnson 5 – 31 – 20
“True Christian Love.” Sermon 4 Text Romans 5:5 Gal. 5:22
Pastor Randy Johnson 6 – 07 – 20
“True Christian Love.” Sermon 5 Text Philippians 2:1 – 3
Pastor Randy Johnson 6 – 14 – 20
“True Christian Love.” Sermon 7 Text Psalms 18:1 – 3
Pastor Randy Johnson 6 – 28 – 20
“A Believers walk in this life.” Text Joshua 24:14 – 18
Pastor Randy Johnson 5 – 10 – 20
“The witness of God is greater than the witness of man” Text 1 John 5:9 – 12 Sunday Morning 04/20/2020
By Pastor Randy Johnson
Please wait because there is a 1 minute delay
“Trials and Temptations” text is James 1:12 – 16 Sunday Morning 04/19/2020
By Pastor Randy Johnson
“All Things are of God” Morning Service 04-05-2020
By Pastor Randy Johnson
Sunday Morning Services for 03/22/2020
If you cannot hear the first few seconds just turn up the volume.
” God’s Blessed Grace to Us.” Part 1 By Pastor Randy Johnson 01/26/2020
” God’s Blessed Grace to Us.” Part 2 By Pastor Randy Johnson 01/26/2020
“Be a hearer and walker in God’s word” Sermon 2 By Pastor Randy Johnson 01/12/2020
“4 Notes Of Encouragement From The Cross” Pastor Randy Johnson 01/05/2020
” Avoiding Satan’s Traps.” By Pastor Randy Johnson 01/05/2020
“Salvation in Jesus Christ” Part 1 by Pastor Randy Johnson 12/15/2019 Text John 3:9 – 21
“Salvation in Jesus Christ” Part 2 by Pastor Randy Johnson 12/15/2019 Text John 3:9 – 21
“The Wrath of God” Sermon 1 by Pastor Randy Johnson 12/01/2019
“The Wrath of God” Sermon 2 by Pastor Randy Johnson 12/01/2019
“The Proper Worship of God” Sermon 1 By Pastor Randy Johnson 09/29/2019
“The Proper Worship of God” Sermon 2 By Pastor Randy Johnson 09/29/2019
“Hell is real!” Part 1 By Pastor Randy Johnson 08/18/2019
“Hell is real!” Part 2 By Pastor Randy Johnson 08/18/2019
“God is Angry and we should praise Him.” By Pastor Randy Johnson 06/30/2019
“Be Not Deceived! ” By Pastor Randy Johnson 06/09/2019
“Be Not Fearful Or Ashamed!” Part 1 Pastor Randy Johnson 08/11/2019
“Be Not Fearful Or Ashamed!” Part 2 Pastor Randy Johnson 08/11/2019
“Our Hope is in A Great God.” Part 1 By Pastor Randy Johnson 08/04/2019
“Our Hope is in A Great God. ” Part 2 By Pastor Randy Johnson 08/04/20109
In Christ” – By Pastor Randy Johnson
“The Truth; Who God Is! ” By Pastor Randy Johnson
“God’s Love For Sinners” – Part 1 By Pastor Randy Johnson
God’s Love For Sinners – Part 2″ By Pastor Randy Johnson
“What Is In Your Hand?” From Exodus 4:1 – 4 preached on 09/30/2019
“We Might Live” Part 1 by Pastor Randy Johnson this sermon was preached in November 2018
“We Might Live” Part 1 by Pastor Randy Johnson this sermon was preached in November 2018
“The Wrath of Man” by Pastor Randy Johnson this sermon was preached in April 2018
“The War Within us” Part 1 By Pastor Randy Johnson preached in August 2018
“The War Within us” Part 2 By Pastor Randy Johnson preached in August 2018
“Wait For Glory” by Pastor Randy Johnson Preached in October 2014
“Salvation Belongs to God” by Pastor Randy Johnson preached on December 02, 2015
“The Resurrection” by Pastor Randy Johnson preached in August 2016
Elder Harace Hammond, This sermon was preached at our church in Texarkana, Texas
Brother Hammond is with the Lord.

A study of 1st Corinthians Chapter 12
Subject: Understanding the Power and works of God in the believer.  

Sermon 1
Sermon 3
Sermon 4Sermon 5Sermon 6
Sermon 7Sermon 8Sermon 9
Sermon 10Sermon 11Sermon 12
Study on the Church – Introduction Sermon 1 Pastor Randy Johnson 10/08/20
Study on the Church – Introduction Sermon 2 Pastor Randy Johnson 10/15/20

Study In Ephesians Chapter Two
Sermon 01 Sermon 02 Sermon 03
Sermon 04Sermon 05Sermon 06
Sermon 07Sermon 08Sermon 09
Sermon 10Sermon 11Sermon 12
Sermon 13Sermon 14Sermon 15
Sermon 16Sermon 17Sermon 17
Sermon 18Sermon 19Sermon 20
Sermon 21Sermon 22

Sermon Video.

Redemption Shows The Praise and Glory of God – Click title to hear this sermon
Isaiah 43:21 “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” “Redemption is the doctrinal underline foundation of the churches. “

Eternal Security

Pastor Randy Johnson preaches this series from Brother Moser’s notes
This Series of sermons are from an outline
by Brother M.L. Moser Sr.
Titled - "The Eternal Security of the Believer"
100 Reasons and 100 Scriptures Proving Eternal Security
Sermon 01Sermon 02Sermon 03
Sermon 04Sermon 05Sermon 06
Sermon 07Sermon 08 Sermon 09
Sermon 10 Sermon 11